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1. Authentication.png


  • User Administration

Administrators can add/create new users. Users will automatically get an email with a link to the system as well as their username (email address) and a temporary password. Administrators can disable inactive users and assign spesific access roles to users. Users can request a new password in case they forget theirs, in a secure manner. They will get a link emailed to them with a link to reset their password.

  • Login

Users can securely log in and out of the system with their own credentials.

2. Multi-tenancy.png


Multi-tenancy refers to a software architecture in which a single instance of software runs on a server and serves multiple tenants. A tenant is a group of users who share a common access with specific privileges to the software instance. We create an “Application Instance”.  Data is secured and each tenant can only view its own data.

  • Single company - multiple branches

Users might work for the same company with a branch in 5 different countries. These countries all need this system but they do not and should not see each other’s data. In this case it would be like having 5 different copies of the system, but there is actually just one.

  • Different companies

The system can also be configured where a lot of different companies use the system, each with their own “instance”. Each instance can have its own settings and will act like a separate installation.

3. Authorization.png


Authorization is configured per “Access Role”. Access roles are custom built for each system. Only users with an access role that allows that user to perform a certain task can do so.

4. CRUD.png


Basic actions like creating, updating, and deleting records are built-in. Navigation between relating records are also predicable and user friendly. Before deleting anything, you will get a confirmation dialog to make sure that nothing gets deleted by mistake.

5. BPMN 2.0.png

BPMN 2.0

Picksmart has an industry leading business process engine built into all applications. Business processes can be mapped using BPMN 2.0 notation and uploaded to the system.

6. 3rd_Party_Integrations.png

3rd Party Integrations

  • XDS Personal Credit Check

  • XDS Commercial Credit Checks

  • Experian

  • PayU Online Payments (South Africa)

  • PayPal Online Payments (International)

  • Amazon Web Services

  • Globeflight Courier Services

7. Audit_Trail.png

Audit Trail

Every action taken on every record gets recorded. A record’s history can be viewed by clicking on the info button. Data changes are displayed so that you can easily see what changed.

  • Deleted data will be red.

  • Added data will be green.

  • Unchanged data will be grey.

8. Report_Templates.png

Report Templates

  • We create Report templates using Jasper Reports, as well as Libre Office (Odt format).

  • We can customize file exports so that it is formatted the way you need it.

9. Data_Dump_to_XLSX.png

Data Dump to .XLSX

Any list can be exported to a .xlsx file (if you have access). This is a great option if you need to perform offline calculations on data.


Webhook Listeners

Webhook Listeners allow you to easily keep track of entities that are created or updated, by sending a JSON representation of them to a specified URL endpoint or email address. For example, you can set up a Webhook to monitor new clients that have been created. The webhook listener page can typically only be accessed by Administrators.

11. SMS_E-mail.png

SMS / Email

  • Sending Customizable Templates

Administrators can setup SMS or email templates. Templates can contain placeholders that the system can then populate before sending out the communication.

  • Delivery Reports

All sent text messages will get a delivery report, Email delivery reports are only available on request.

  • Receiving

The platform can receive emails, text messages, short code messages, etc.

12. Push_Notifications.png

Push Notifications

Users will immediately get notifications (no refresh needed).

13. Digital_Signatures.png

Electronic and Digital Signatures

Users can sign with their finger on a mobile device.

14. Built-in_Web_Phone.png

Built-in Web Phone

17. Tasks_Appointment_Manager.png

Taks and Appointment Manager

20. User_Interface.png

Stunning User Interface

15. OCR_File_Parsing.png

OCR and File Parsing

18. File_Uploads.png

File Uploads

Barcode Scanner

19. Google_Maps_Built-in.png

Google Maps Built-in

21. Mobile-friendly.png

Mobile Friendly

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